Audi S5 Sportback launched in India at Rs 62.95 lakh (ex showroom Delhi). It was expected that Audi had to launch its S5 Sportback much earlier but the launch was postponed due to other releases from Audi such as the Q3 facelift, new Audi TT coupe and the RS6 Avant. Well finally the time has come for Audi to launch the S5 Sportback adding yet another feather to their cap. Mr. Joe King, Head, Audi India quoted that “ The Audi S5 Sportback, a first in its segment will further strengthen our performance car portfolio in India”. While the RS5 which is already on sale here is a two-door coupe, the S5 launched in India is a Sportback a four-door coupe body style, just like we’ve seen previously on the A7 and RS7.
The platinum grey S Single frame with sculptural chrome braces and the S5 emblem. S-specific bumpers emphasize the sporty attributes of the vehicle, as do the distinctive air inlets. Xenon plus headlights with daytime running light strip in LED technology lend the Audi S5 Sportback an unmistakable look.
The multi function sport leather steering wheel with 3-spoke design and shift paddles in aluminium look. The interior is generously comfortable. The optional S sport seats in the front with S5 embossing and electric seat adjustment with driver side memory offer excellent support. Aluminium look elements on the light switches, air conditioning, rotary/push-button control, vents, mirror adjustment switch, window controls as well as around the gear or selector lever gaiter.
Audi’s tagline for the S5 Sportback “Maximum power put to Maximum use “
• First and only Sportback in its segment.
• Supercharged 3.0 TFSI quattro engine with 333 hp (245 kW) power.
• Accelerates 0 to 100 km/hr in 5.1 seconds.
• S tronic transmission delivers uninterrupted power, torque with higher fuel efficiency of 8.1 liters per 100 km.
• Auto Engine Start/Stop function for greater fuel efficiency.
• Audi Drive Select for regulating the power steering, engine, automatic transmission and A/C system.
Audi TFSI engines attains a particularly high compression rate. The result is an outstanding efficiency combined with optimum performance. For power delivery that will win you over from the word go.The sporty and efficient dual clutch transmission allows for lightning speed gear shifts without any noticeable break in engine power.
Improved efficiency with better transmission ratios. A higher torque output makes longer ratios possible, especially in higher gears. The powerful torque in the low engine speed range reduces fuel consumption yet has no adverse effects on driving performance and sportiness. The 7-speed, electro-hydraulically actuated dual-clutch transmission facilitates faster gear changes with virtually no break in engine power. In automatic mode, the driver can choose between the programs D (Drive) and S (Sport).
Launching this festive season the Audi S5 Sportback launched in India at Rs 62.95 lakh ($ 96,800) ex-showroom ( Mumbai/Delhi ).
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